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ID Verification

Online ID Verification - Individuals

For use exclusively by individuals, you can complete your ID verification securely online   This service is not available for Businesses, Corporations, Trusts or SMSFs.

To begin, please click "I'm not a robot" below

Please complete the human verification to continue

Manual Verification - Non Individuals, Companies, Trusts

For non-individuals (such as SMSF’s, Trusts, and Companies) we have obligations to identify the beneficial owners or members of a trust or company. You will need to provide the following:

For companies / corporate trustees - Copy of Annual Company Statement or Current Company Extract (or other official document showing company name and members);

For Trusts and SMSF’s – Copy of the title page and execution page only of the Trust Deed together with the corporate trustee (if applicable) information noted directly above. NOTE - Each director, trustee, shareholder/member or authorised representative must verify their ID through our Online ID Verification portal (above) or by ringing us on 1800 296 865 (VIC) or 1800 161 383 (QLD and Elsewhere)

NOTE: By sending us this information you acknowledge that you have read and accept the Ainslie Bullion Privacy Policy which you can view here.

For further information and explanation click here. or ring us on 1800 296 865 (VIC) or 1800 161 383 (QLD and Elsewhere)